Timestamp Tool

Timestamp Knowledge

The Foundation of Time Calculation

I. Unix Timestamp: The Universal "Time Language"

A Unix timestamp (Unix Timestamp) represents the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC (excluding leap seconds). It serves as a platform and timezone-independent standard for time representation in computer systems.

Authoritative Definition Sources:

  • According to POSIX Standard (IEEE Std 1003.1-2017)1, Unix timestamp is defined as "seconds since the Epoch".
  • The Linux time.h manual page2 specifies its data type as time_t (typically a signed 32-bit or 64-bit integer).

Key Features:

  1. Timezone Independence: Unix timestamps are identical worldwide for the same moment.
    Example: Both 2023-10-01 08:00:00 (UTC+8) and 2023-10-01 00:00:00 UTC have timestamp 1696118400.
  2. Leap Second Omission: Excludes leap second adjustments, resulting in approximately 27 seconds difference from International Atomic Time (TAI) (as of 2023)3.
  3. 32-bit Limitation: 32-bit timestamps will overflow to zero on January 19, 2038 (the "Year 2038 Problem")[^4].

II. GMT vs UTC: From Astronomical Observation to Atomic Clocks

While often used interchangeably, GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) have fundamental differences:

AspectGMT (Greenwich Mean Time)UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
DefinitionBased on Earth's rotation (astronomical observation)Based on atomic clocks (cesium atom oscillation), maintains <0.9s difference from GMT
AdjustmentNo periodic calibrationSynchronized with Earth's rotation via leap seconds4
AuthorityOriginally defined by Greenwich Observatory, now used as timezone identifier (UTC+0)Maintained by ITU5 and BIPM[^7]

Key Facts:

  • GMT's Decline: UTC replaced GMT as the international time standard in 1972[^8], though "GMT" remains widely used to denote the UTC+0 timezone.
  • Timezone Abbreviation Rules: According to the IANA Time Zone Database6, both Etc/UTC and Etc/GMT represent zero offset, but the latter uses inverse signs (e.g., GMT+1 actually means UTC-1).

III. Timezone Conversion: From Timestamp to Local Time

Timestamp → Local Time Formula:
Local Time = Unix Timestamp + Timezone Offset + Leap Second Compensation

Authoritative Tools and Standards:

  1. IANA Time Zone Database (formerly Olson Database)6:
    • Contains global timezone rules (e.g., America/New_York represents UTC-5/UTC-4)
    • Default integration in Linux, macOS, Java systems
  2. ISO 8601 Standard[^10]:
    • Specifies time format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss±HH:mm (e.g., 2023-10-01T08:00:00-04:00)
  3. RFC 33397:
    • Defines Internet time format (ISO 8601 compatible), requires explicit timezone offset

Sample Code (Python):

import datetime

timestamp = 1696118400
# Convert to UTC
utc_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)  # 2023-10-01 00:00:00
# Convert to Eastern Time (UTC-4)
local_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=-4)))  # 2023-10-01 04:00:00-04:00

IV. Leap Seconds: Timestamp "Exception Handling"

Leap Second Mechanism:

  • International Earth Rotation Service (IERS)4 determines leap second insertion based on Earth's rotation changes (typically June or December 31st)
  • As of 2023, cumulative leap second difference between UTC and TAI is 37 seconds3

System Compatibility:

System/LanguageLeap Second HandlingOfficial Documentation
LinuxKernel supports leap second insertion, requires manual configurationLinux Kernel Leap Second Handling
Javajava.time API ignores leap secondsOracle Java Docs
Google Public NTPUses "leap smearing" strategy during leap second insertionGoogle Leap Smearing

V. Authoritative References

VI. Summary

  • Unix Timestamp is fundamental for cross-timezone programming; be aware of the 2038 overflow issue.
  • UTC is the modern international standard, while GMT is used only as a timezone identifier (UTC+0).
  • Timezone conversions rely on the IANA Database, and leap second handling should reference IERS Bulletins.

Understanding these concepts ensures precise time logic control in critical systems like financial transactions and log synchronization.


  1. POSIX Time Standard: IEEE Std 1003.1-2017

  2. Linux time.h Manual Page: Run man 3 time in terminal

  3. BIPM Leap Second Bulletin: TAI-UTC History 2

  4. International Earth Rotation Service (IERS): Leap Second Announcements 2

  5. International Telecommunication Union (ITU): UTC Definition

  6. IANA Time Zone Database: Official Repository 2

  7. RFC 3339 Time Format: RFC 3339 Specification