Password Generator

Password Security Knowledge

The Dangers of Weak Passwords

Using weak passwords can lead to serious security risks:

  • Can be cracked within seconds
  • Personal information may be stolen (emails, photos, banking info, etc.)
  • Accounts may be hijacked for fraud or illegal activities
  • May affect other accounts using the same password

Common Weak Password Traps

The following passwords are common but easily crackable:

  • Personal info like birthdays or phone numbers (can be obtained through social engineering)
  • Sequential or repeated characters (like 123456, aaaaaa)
  • Keyboard patterns (like qwerty, zxcvbn)
  • Simple words or names (like password, admin)
  • Simple substitutions (like changing letter o to number 0)

Principles for Creating Strong Passwords

A secure strong password should:

  • Be at least 12 characters long (longer is more secure)
  • Mix uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters
  • Avoid using any complete meaningful words
  • Exclude personal information or easily guessable content

Password Security Best Practices

  • Use different complex passwords for important accounts
  • Change passwords regularly, especially after data breaches
  • Use a password manager to generate and store complex passwords
  • Enable two-factor authentication as additional protection
  • Don't record passwords in unsafe places
  • Never share passwords with others